Sunday, May 05, 2013

February Update

Greetings in Jesus name. Peace and grace be multiplied unto you.

Praise God there were 6 baptisms in January and Pattumullay church celebrated its fifth anniversary. I was in Kerala for 3 days for these functions. I hope you received some pictures. We had one wedding also. On Feb 20 there is a marriage in Pambanaar church and I am going to conduct the wedding praise God.

 Drought everywhere in our area and we get water supply once in 15 days. Days are becoming harder and harder nowadays.

I preached on churches on the heading gospel. In Anglo Saxon the definition is story of the Lord and in Greek gospel. That is good news. It blesses us and saves us. The good news is Jesus bore all our sins on the cross and Jesus died for us on the cross. The blessings are from the seven words of the cross. Good news: 1. Good news of forgiveness. 2. Good news of assurance. 3. For the family. 4. Companionship. 5. Message of satisfaction by living water. 6. Finished work. 7. Message of safety. 

Please pray for the childrens’ home. We applied for registration two years back, but still pending.

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