Saturday, March 24, 2007

Building the Tenth Church

Greetings in Jesus' name. Peace and grace be multiplied unto you. Praise God we have started building the tenth church. The work here is very laborious as all the materials have to be transported by head load. It is a steep mountain and whenever I climb I stop three to four times to take my breath. It is young girls transporting rocks and other materials that they transfer from head to head seven to eight times. The total measurements of the church are 37 feet by 23 feet. Please pray as the cost will be high, but it is to meet 1,500 families in Christ in the course of time. God is great and last month also I visited new Muslim families. In one family there will be a marriage for their son and daughter on the same day sometime in July. They have specially invited me to attend their marriages and asked me to pray for them in their house specifically for the blessings from above. They need prayers. I visited Kerala two times to attend the 11th anniversary of our first church and to attend the pastors' meeting. It is a ten-hour drive and three-days stay. I have to go to Trichy which is a twelve-hour drive and I had a visit to Coimbatore, another 14-hour drive. Though travel is dangerous here, God made it safe. I am a bit more busy and as it is the year ending, I have to be with the annual accounts and submitting returns to income tax office and home ministry in Delhi. Please pray. Thank you for all your prayers and support. ~ Roy

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